Served in the Girls Refectory (Upper Sixth may breakfast in their own kitchens)
Food and drink served in the Girls Refectory
Including some clubs and activities
Served in the Girls Refectory
Times staggered according to year groups and activities. Following supper, girls have free time. Activities and clubs continue throughout the evening.
Little lights at 20:40 – lights off at 21:00
Little lights at 21:00 – lights off at 21:15
Little lights at 21:30 – lights off at 21:45
Little lights at 21:45 – lights off at 22:00
Little lights at 22:15 – lights off at 22:30
LVI little lights at 22:45 – lights off at 23:00
+44 (0)1344 296600
St Mary’s Road, Ascot,
Berkshire SL5 9JF
+44 (0)1344 296614