School Policies

Admissions PolicyDownload
Attendance PolicyDownload
Anti-Bullying PolicyDownload
Behaviour PolicyDownload
Complaints PolicyDownload
Curriculum PolicyDownload
English as an Additional Language PolicyDownload
First Aid PolicyDownload
Health and Safety on School Trips PolicyDownload
Health and Safety Policy StatementDownload
History of the SchoolDownload
Mission StatementDownload
Relationships and Sex Education PolicyDownload
Rewards, School Rules, Discipline and Sanctions Policy Download
Safeguarding PolicyDownload
Special Educational Needs PolicyDownload

The number of complaints registered in the previous year is available on request to the Headmistress.

ISI Reports

Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report (October 2021)Download
Education Quality Inspection Report (March 2017)Download

Privacy Notices

Privacy Notice for Job ApplicantsDownload
Privacy Notice for ParentsDownload
Privacy Notice for PupilsDownload
Website Privacy NoticeDownload

Gender pay gap report 2023

As required by the Equality Act 2010 (Gender pay Gap Information Regulations 2017) the gender pay gap at St Mary’s has been calculated in order to show the difference between the average earnings of men and women across the school. The calculations were based on the workforce on 5th April 2023.

The school uses salary scales for teaching staff and hourly rates of pay for domestic and catering staff thus ensuring equal pay for men and women, the gender pay gap is as a result of the roles that men and women are employed in and the salaries these roles attract.

The workforce at the school consists of 72.4% women and 27.6% men, the mean gender pay gap is 10.6% and the median pay gap is 24.0%.

The percentage of males and females in the different earnings quartiles are as follows:

Upper Quartile32.8%67.2%
Upper Middle Quartile32.8%67.2%
Lower Middle Quartile17.9%82.1%
Lower Quartile26.9%73.1%
St Mary’s School Ascot is committed to equal opportunities irrespective of gender, and training and promotion opportunities are open to all.
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