As a girls’ boarding school, we know how important it is to stay in touch with the world beyond our community. St Mary’s pupils are busy in their service of others, and raise substantial amounts of money for charities. We have a lively network of partnerships with local state and independent schools, with whom we hold regular joint academic and social events.
Charity events are a weekly feature of life at St Mary’s, and are overseen by the pupil-led Charities Committee. The girls regularly raise over £20,000 a year for a range of causes that are dear to them. Houses raise money for their chosen charities on most weekends, through bake sales, toasty making and raffles. There is an annual Year 10 Charity Funfair, which, with its exciting food and games stalls, has the feel of a country fête. Senior girls organise major fund-raising events such as the Rock Concert and the Summer Soirée, and publish the student magazine, WHAT, which they sell for charity. We have themed home clothes days, an annual charity tennis tournament, raffles and monthly CAFOD lunches. Through all of this, the girls grow up understanding that charity means not just giving money, but also giving time.
Service to the community is an integral part of the Catholic tradition. Girls help out in local charity shops, residential care homes and schools, and with a local organisation helping children with specific learning needs. We also have a squad which maintains public footpaths in the area. Service is a central part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which a large number of girls complete every year. Many of them also join OMV’s annual pilgrimage to Lourdes.
As a girls’ boarding school, we know how important it is to maintain good links with other schools. We have active debating and Model United Nations societies that regularly meet and compete with other schools. There are also quizzes, discussion suppers, sports events and joint talks and workshops, and the girls on the Socials Committee enjoy devising new events. We enjoy a strong partnership with Eton, with whom the girls meet up for societies, talks and other events. The girls love getting together with boys at socials on Saturday nights, and we hold these regularly for all ages with Eton, Winchester, Harrow, Radley, Papplewick, Ludgrove and Woodcote. Reeling is a particularly popular activity. Our Sixth Form Ball at the end of the summer term is a wonderful celebratory event for the girls, their partners and parents.
The Thames Valley Learning Partnership is an equal partnership of state and independent secondary schools in Berkshire, and St Mary’s is proud to be one of the Partnership’s founding schools. The TVLP hosts collaborative educational experiences for pupils across the academic curriculum and beyond, bringing pupils from different schools together in a programme of diverse cultural and social engagement. St Mary’s pupils take part in, and frequently host, events such as Model United Nations conferences, music festivals, Philosophy conferences, writing workshops and environmental action groups. TVLP schools join us for our annual International Women’s Day events.
+44 (0)1344 296600
St Mary’s Road, Ascot,
Berkshire SL5 9JF
+44 (0)1344 296614