Religious Studies is taught to all girls in Years 7, 8 and 9, and is a core subject at GCSE. Theology is then an option at A Level, and all girls continue with a programme of philosophical, religious and ethical thought in the Sixth Form.
In Years 7 to 8, girls follow the Catholic Religious Educational Directory, using the materials inspired by the series Source to Summit. They explore subjects such as the Old Testament, the person of Jesus and the Gospels, the nature of discipleship today, the sacraments and Church history. The course makes imaginative use of drama, art, music and film in delivering the syllabus.
In Year 9 girls begin with an exploration of philosophical and ethical concepts, and then move on to begin the GCSE course.
At GCSE, Religious Studies is a compulsory subject at St Mary’s, and follows the AQA B course. Areas of study include Roman Catholic belief and practice, Judaism, and moral principles. The girls reflect on Christian approaches to moral and ethical topics such as marriage, the family, and social justice.
At A Level, pupils follow the OCR course. This involves exploration of the philosophy of religion, religion and ethics, and developments in Christian theology.
Girls who are not taking Theology A Level still continue with Religious Studies in the Sixth Form. This course involves the discussion of current affairs, philosophical and ethical concepts, and the role of religion in society, and is supported by a series of lectures by outside speakers.
Year 7 girls go on a trip to see The Life of Christ at Wintershall. Sixth Form pupils attend conferences in London and Oxford, including a whole day event involving seminars and workshops that explore the course in more detail. The Theology Society and Junior Pilosophy Society share their enjoyment of books and films, and also provide a discussion forum for the exploration of topics outside the exam syllabus. There is an annual discussion group with Eton College, which involves the exploration of more advanced philosophical texts. Pupils in Years 9 to Lower Sixth participate in regular Philosothon events with other schools, while pupils from Years 11 and above regularly compete in the University of Oxford Uehiro Centre’s Practical Ethics and Responsibility debating competition.
The Religious Studies department plays a major role in organising and helping to run the year group retreats which take place throughout the year. They also support Year 10 with their preparations for Confirmation.
+44 (0)1344 296600
St Mary’s Road, Ascot,
Berkshire SL5 9JF
+44 (0)1344 296614